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Happy 3 year anniversary Knights of Mexico

Writer: Garrett KnightGarrett Knight

Wow we are stunned that 3 years have already pasted. It was been a whirlwind but we wouldn't have it any other way. I also can't believe it's been six months since our last update.

In May we had a construction team come down and help paint, sand, plumbing, knock down walls, and pretty much anything else we asked of them. They were a huge help to us and we are thankful they spent their time and energy helping us get the team house and our house live in ready. We also had a teachers conference in Ojitlan. A group of 4 teachers from Wallace came to serve the teachers and get to know them.

In July we hosted a VBS with our Shindler team and our local church, Peniel. The gospel was shared everday and seeds were planted. What was particularly special about this team was 2 of our volunteers were 11 and 8. It was encouraging to see children serving and sharing with children their own age.

In August we were able to move into our permament home. We are so excited to be in a home that is ours, and can't wait to have the team close by. We were able to find a great contractor that has been great to work with and given us fair prices, we are grateful to God for him and his workers.The team house should be done in a couple of weeks. We also celebrated Hope turning 5, and Hope and Gideon going to school. Gideon has had a dificult time adjusting but we are grateful to God for his teacher. She is a christian and is patient and kind. She has a desire to see Gideon grow and flourish in the classroom environment. Would you pray along with us that he would adjust well.

In September we hosted a prayer and research team to help pray over and organize our last few outreach events for this year. These our my favorite trips because it is our goal to always put everything we do in the hands of God before we do it. There is something comforting about having the all knowing, all powerful, and loving God go before us. We also hosted another teachers conference in the afternoon the last week of September. In the mornings of the teachers conference we taught english in a school that invited us to their school back in May. We are excited about the relationships we are building with the teachers and schools of Ojiltan. Pray with us that relationships continue to grow and the gospel can be shared and received.

In October we have a basketball workshop with about 10 people, mostly fathers with their sons. We will be sharing a story everyday with the people who come to learn different basketball skills. Please pray that it goes well and that the gospel is clearly shared every day, the dates are October 8th through the 11th. The week following the basketball workshop we have a small team coming to camp in remote villages only accesible through a boat ride and then hiking. They will be looking for opportunities to share the gospel with people who have never heard the truth, and to disciple christians who have limited access to understanding and interepting God's word. Please pray for divine appointments, good health, and good weather.

The Domingo family whom we meet with once every two weeks is doing well. They are reading God's word and praying more often. The grandfather of the family has been sick for some time, and we have encouraged the daughter to share the truth about Christ with him. Continue to pray for them that they would study and grow in God's word, and be a light in the darkness to their family and their community.

Thank you for praying with us. We looked forward to closing out the year strong in ministry.

The lawyers, buyers, and sellers on closing day!

The May Wallace Construction Team

May Teacher's Conference from Wallace

VBS with Shindler and Peniel Youth

Hope's 5th Birthday and Hope and Gideon's first day of school

September Prayer and Research Team from Shindler

September Teacher's Conference

Principal of the School we taught english

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